Ongoing Stories of My Soul

Look over my shoulder as I ponder life.

Author: Deborah R. Coffing-Hall

  • NKOTB are Now the Old Folks Down the Road

    Hey! It’s May 30th in Indy and you know what that means: the Indy 500 race is over, tornadoes have hit, the Little Flower Catholic Church had their festival and the New Kids On The Block are playing a concert in Indianapolis! My FB page is exploding with folks I know posting pictures of themselves…

  • Summer has Come! Time to Play, Indeed!

    Another school year has slammed shut like a hollow locker. The day’s knowledge washed off the white board. Books collected, papers distributed and the recycle bins overflowing with those same papers. Grades posted into that cyberspace portal which some kids will dread their parents opening. The flag has come down from its station and put…

  • Bubbles: A Visual Miracle

    I know what you’re thinking: Deb has been into the bubbly again and is having hallucinations. Well, if you know me,  then you  know I don’t drink alcohol. Although, one time a guy came up to my daughter and after observing my crazy behavior, inquired how much I had to drink. My girl responded that…

  • Maybe I Just Need a Little Muzak…..

    Okay….I saw that sneer. I heard that “Are you kidding me?” I detected that guffaw and loud groan. And if you are asking, “What is ‘Muzak’ then you better bypass this blog. It is time sensitive and your time has never known such a classic as ‘Muzak’. Okay….so perhaps calling it a classic is pushing it. For…

  • National Siblings Day: Or How We Survived the Other Kids Our Parents Dumped On Us

    Today is National Siblings Day. Who knew? Not I. But since it is on the internet, I know that it must be so. So….let’s go there. Do you have siblings? Have you survived that phenomenon known as being a sister or a brother or having such? Are you a parent and do you wonder if…

  • ‘Of Ice and Men’ My Apologies to John Steinbeck

    We have snow in Indiana. About 7 inches–which is really a sissy amount compared to other parts of the United States. But nonetheless, I love it. And I was most excited to go out and shovel out my driveway, sidewalks, a path for the mailman. Until I started shoveling. Then it started to be work.…

  • No Ordinary Book on the Shelf

    You already know that I brake for thrift stores. There’s nothing better than roaming down the aisles looking at odd items and seeing how I can ‘re-purpose’ them or finding gems that adorned my grandparents’ homes back in the day. There is something about seeing potential in another person’s cast-offs that gets my creative neurons…

  • Whatta Day. And It’s Only 3:00 PM

    Somehow, after running errands I found myself at Subway for a quick roast beef sandwich. I had settled into my booth, ready to attack the day’s crossword puzzle. Now…mind you I looked like a hot mess. Hurriedly I had thrown on my youngest son’s old corduroy jacket from his middle school days, skipped make-up and…

  • On Sleeping with Skunks…..

    I know what you thought when you read that title. Deb is going to recall her life with two ex-husbands…ick. Well, you can relax. I kinda like both of my exes, so we will let those sleeping dogs lie. And no I am not calling them dogs. The ‘lie’ part I will live alone, too.…

  • Life: Breathing is the Next Step

    A very dear, family friend received a double lung transplant yesterday. And we appreciate the fact that  one person’s misery can be another person’s miracle. We also know his road to recovery is long, but we are tugging on God’s robe begging for these new lungs to function properly. His one wish is to be…