Ongoing Stories of My Soul

Look over my shoulder as I ponder life.

Aprons and Crowns

     Two unusual topics collided in my brain this weekend. Are you surprised? Um, that I have a brain? Or that two topics occupied the same lone space? Kinda like two cats wandering around in a vacant warehouse, I suppose. Oh well. On with my two topics.

     Aprons and crowns. Now…stay with me on this. I truly think that some of us are ‘apron’ folks while others are ‘crown people’. And there is nothing wrong with either—or being a bit of both. A closer analysis of the two is what kept my neurons firing this past Sunday. Let me share.

     Aprons are objects of service. They are a layer of protection fastened to protect our outer clothing. A crown is a thing of beauty and adornment, placed upon the head for no other reason than to point out royalty or distinction. Aprons invite dirt and grease, and actually may display the memories of previous tasks. Their pockets hold various rags or tools of cleaning or baking. An apron’s
fate at the end of the day is the old dish towel drawer or the washer. A crown may be placed in a safe or a secure shelf, often on display. An apron is easily affordable…a crown, not so much.

      Aprons and crowns may be the essence of the ordinary and elegant. Yet, sometimes the line between the two can become fuzzy. My daughter was a ‘500 Festival Princess’ and received a lovely tiara. She had to wear that lovely headgear and her sash the entire month of May. However, that tiara become part of her wedding day ritual as it fastened her veil to her head. That ‘crown’  had always been lovely; yet now the shimmer and shine partnered with a sacrament of the church.

      My mother’s apron got quite a workout!! She wore it often and it had put in a lot of hours in the kitchen. After her ‘home going’ to Heaven, my other daughter got the apron. The pocket of that apron held a tissue; if you knew my mom she always had a tissue. And that is kind of a telling as she was the ’tissue’ that kept this family connected in love and commitment. But back to the apron. When my daughter slides that cloth over her head and ties the strings, she feels like she is touching a holy thing. Not in a creepy way…but with a heart of appreciation that her grandmother’s ordinary apron served others for years.

    Aprons sacrifice. They signify work. Become soiled, ripped, discarded. Crowns adorn. Their loveliness cause us to “Ooh and aah!” We appreciate their value and worth and know it is a special occasion when crowns are present. Yet, does the queen or king of a monarchy wear their crown when serving their constituents? When my son covers his precious heart with a bullet proof vest, is it not like a working apron as he goes into the streets to ‘protect and serve’? Look to history and you can see the aprons of blacksmiths, meat cutters, scientists, shoe cobblers, store owners, bakers. Did these aprons not shape the face of industry just as crowns were writing legislation? Hmmm….perhaps aprons and crowns are not as dissimilar as this little brain once thought.

     I know that this comparison and contrast of aprons and crowns won’t affect the Dow Jones, cure disease, or win the Pulitzer Prize. But I did find it interesting, and hopefully, you did, as well.

     Perhaps the greatest conclusion I can draw for myself is this: as the queen of this house, my apron serves me quite well! And that crown? Well, let’s just say that I would have worn it while I typed this blog….but it really needs some scotch tape to hold on those gold stars. Paper isn’t as sturdy as it used to be. But the safety pin holding the string to my apron is just perfect!

     Aprons and crowns. Now I know why England calls it her ‘Royal Majesty’s Service’—the queen wears her apron and crown while running a country. Or a sweeper, perhaps. Who knew?