Ongoing Stories of My Soul

Look over my shoulder as I ponder life.

Author: Deborah R. Coffing-Hall

  • If It’s Not One Polar Vortex, It’s Another!

             Hey! The Weather Channel has a new kid in town. Her name is Pole R. Vortex and she is one frosty lady. Now…I don’t know about you, but I live in Indiana. We have a lot of seasonal calamities and I just kind of roll with it. My phrase is, “Oh,…

  • “I Believe I Can Fly” Or Is That Cry?

    Spent some time traveling over my recent fall break. Not the usual driving down to the corner and back. Nope. I was in three different states, on about eight different planes in about seven different cities. I experienced confusing time zones, became weary with jet lag. I awakened in unfamiliar surroundings, and worried about the…

  • Democracy: An Open and Shut Case

    As I was puttering around my classroom waiting for the kids to come in, I was thinking about the day’s lesson. As a sixth grade teacher of Social Studies, my days are full of teaching about ancient Greece. Now…I saw you roll your eyes, but truly, there is a lot of good stuff packed into this curriculum…

  • Playing Possum

         It started with the tail. Walking towards my back yard, I saw an object that pushed my ‘Curiosity’ app. Hmmm…looks like a snake. Or a big worm. Naaaa….it’s a tail. I then looked around to confirm my suspicions: my cat had killed a baby possum. I knew it was not the dogs because…

  • High School Reunion: Much More Fun than High School!

    I got the dreaded call. You know the one….where your best friend calls you and says: “You’re going.”While I usually treasure any time we get to hang out, I felt like she was hanging me out to dry. I resisted. I made excuses. I blamed my inability to attend on the fact I had no…

  • I’M BAAAAACK!!! Yippee Ky Yay!

    Hey….I was lost but now I’m found! My stroll through cyberspace was a bit frantic, but thankfully my favorite Cloud Engineer AJS, has lassoed my sorry self and steered me back to the Ongoing Stories of My Soul Ranch. Whew! Soon as I water my horse and bunk down for the night, I’ll be good…

  • A K-Mart Blue Light Special That Turned Very Green!

    Okay…get this! So I am in the checkout lane at K-Mart minding my own business, as usual. Stop laughing. I have my moments when I stay entirely focused. And no—this is not a blog about going to war with a shopping cart, or stealing someone’s shopping cart, thinking it was mine. No…I am not retelling…

  • Small, White Crosses…Untold Losses

    Memorial weekend. Flags are a flyin’ and families gather, and kids know this is a precursor to that long awaited summer vacation. And many folks stop and remember those who have paid the price for freedom. Many images capture the honor, loyalty and unselfish gift of giving up one’s life for that of their country.…

  • This Is What Dreams Are Made Of?

    Dreams. What do you think of when you hear that word? That subconscious far-off place we wander while we slumber? An imaginary goal that somehow begins to own our soul? I am sure the this word conjures up various meanings for us all. But have you ever dreamt about ordinary objects becoming, well, dream-like? Okay. So today,…

  • The Power of ‘Play’

    I don’t know about you, but I like playing around. Oh….not that kind of playing around. This is a wholesome, family friendly blog. I am referring to the power of ‘play’ in our lives. While there is a time to be serious, God-fearing, tax-paying adults….there are those moments when a person just needs to be…