Ongoing Stories of My Soul

Look over my shoulder as I ponder life.

Author: Deborah R. Coffing-Hall

  • Blogging From the Laundry Room of Life

    Blogging is interesting, I am finding this out. I sit here writing to an unknown audience and dump my various thoughts, adventures, opinions, and mishaps into cyberspace. I do have tools and gadgets to track my page views, the type of connection folks are using, such as Facebook, ‘Chrome’, Safari, etc. So far, no one…

  • Looking for a Stranger

    Had to run some errands last night. Ended up at the ‘D. Hall Mall’–which is my code name for Family Dollar. Anyway, it was dark and cold and I was preoccupied with the mental list of purchases that my brain was quickly forgetting. I can hear you now: “Why didn’t you write it down?” Because.…

  • Writing Goes to the Dogs. Again.

    Well, it’s a dog’s day afternoon. And I have no idea what that means. A meaningless metaphor, I suppose. But I have been pounding this keyboard trying to get a very special story from the brain to manuscript stage. It made its entrance in this gray matter some twenty years ago, but it is time…

  • “Trouble Came”

    Decided it was time to organize my clutter from years of teaching. The plaques, the precious ‘thank you’ cards from parents, the letters from many students that I just kept ‘re-boxing’. And the hundreds of photos. The job has taken me days, as I have to sit and re-read each  correspondence as if it is…

  • A Sad Exit

    On Friday, I attended a memorial service of one of my former students. That’s the thing with teaching….once a kid was assigned to my class, he/she became one of ‘my kids’. And that final good-bye was just rough. Especially when this young person found the world so dark he planned–and enacted his own exit. “Lots…

  • Excuse me, but your embarrassment is showing….

    Well, embarrassment seems to be a popular theme to write about. The cool thing about this topic is that in the moment, our egos and self-confidence are in the toilet. But with time, experience and maturity, we can look back on those awful embarrassing incidents with a simple “guffaw.” I think it’s because we live life…

  • An Unwanted Police Escort

           When my granddaughter was in fifth grade, she was accompanied off her school bus by a uniformed police officer. The only crime she had committed was not getting off at her assigned stop. I will add that this was the first day of school and mistakes can be made. She will never…

  • “Don’t I Know You?”

    Have you ever been mistaken for someone else? You know…some stranger comes up to you and thinks you are like, Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock? This is who I get confused with all the time. I just give out autographs and go on with my shopping at Dollar General. Truly, this has happened to me…

  • January 28: A Mission to Remember

    I had no intentions of writing about this subject. After all, it’s been 27 years. Even tragic events get forgotten, or worse; they get buried in the layers of more heartbreaking moments. But we have to own the events that shape our lives even if the molding of such is unforgettable. January 28, 1986 is…

  • The Truth Is: I Just So Lip-Synched This Blog!

    I am about as excited following pop culture as I am trying to lose twenty-five pounds…but I am hearing a lot of yammering about Beyonce lip-synching the National Anthem. I watched the inauguration and I thought she did fine; it never occurred to me that her lips were moving to pre-recorded music. I am so…