Ongoing Stories of My Soul

Look over my shoulder as I ponder life.

Jingle Turkeys & Merry Pumpkins

I’m out of time. Tomorrow is the 30th of November and I haven’t even ventured out to the garage to unearth my Christmas decorations. I know….you probably have decorated the tree, correlated your twinkling lights with the soundtrack from ‘White Christmas’ and hung the stockings by the chimney with care.

Happy for you.

My porch and yard is fully decorated with autumn leaves, scarecrows, pumpkins, and baskets of gourds. It looks so festive! So colorful! And in twelve hours, so out of season. Sigh.

I was thinking…maybe if I put a beard on the scarecrow, stacked up the pumpkins in white fabric, so they resembled snowmen, and just put a layer of tinsel over the leaves, it might look Christmassey. With a little imagination, couldn’t a turkey resemble   a short, puffy reindeer? Okay….maybe not.

I like outside decorations. It tells everyone who drives by that I am  probably a former elementary teacher who is used to doing seasonal bulletin boards and can’t break the habit. Not true. I can break the habit but prefer not to. And, now that I am back in the classroom for a spell (ha ha get that…for a ‘spell’), I am quite busy.

And there’s one other small issue. I have Max. You know, my rescue dog that eats most anything. I can’t fathom what this canine will do with my festive displays. His menu this week has been the mail and devotional books. I guess he was inspired with that scripture, “Man and dog cannot live on bread alone.” (NCV…new canine version). This dog would look at tinsel, garland, and ornaments as an ‘all you can eat buffet’.

So enjoy your showplace of holiday house and hearth. I will be here contemplating how inviting those tacky window clings will make the place look.

Merry Christmas! Or maybe I’ll just go with Jingle Turkeys and Merry Pumpkins. Max will never know the difference.