Author: Deborah R. Coffing-Hall
A Kid’s First Look at Life: Kindergarten
Have you spent anytime recently in the presence of a kindergartener? Well, if so I hope you are as spellbound as I. There is a certain magic about a kid mastering the sounds of letters and pronouncing words, as if sifting through a treasure chest of great toys. The energy that a little one exerts…
Jingle Turkeys & Merry Pumpkins
I’m out of time. Tomorrow is the 30th of November and I haven’t even ventured out to the garage to unearth my Christmas decorations. I know….you probably have decorated the tree, correlated your twinkling lights with the soundtrack from ‘White Christmas’ and hung the stockings by the chimney with care. Happy for you. My porch…
Fishing for a Mate/The Water is
So…my daughters have hinted to me that I should try an online singles matching thing. To humor them, I have given it a try. Now, remember that I am pretty content with my life. But if there is a guy out there who can pay for a dinner, tickets for the theater or symphony, I’m…
Bullying: Pushing Back with Kindness
There’s a lot of talk these days about bullying. The bad news? It has been around forever. The good news? We’re talking about it. Plenty. Schools are teaching students strategies on how to recognize, report, and prevent being a victim of bullying. It is no longer cool to be a person of intimidation and meanness.…
Elation in the End Zone
There is nothing I enjoy more than planting myself down in front of my 60 inch television screen and watching a good NFL game. My family knows not to call me…I will not answer. Grandkids know better than to beg to spend the night when the Colts are playing. I will be wearing…
Letters from Camp: “Your Son Does What?”
That last kid of mine actually listened to me. When I was floating around the house spouting off that old quote that said:“There are two lasting gifts we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings.”he took it to heart. Yeah…his wings have taken him to various…
Letters from Camp: “I Held the Moon in My Hands!”
When the phone call came that I was invited to teach an aerospace lesson at my son’s camp, I was pumped! What could be better than seeing my boy, being in the mountains, and teaching kids? I have traveled more this summer than anytime in my life, and I admit, I was ready…
Letters From Camp to the Cat and Dogs at Home: Why Animals Should Never Zip-Line (Nor Humans)
Dear Harper, Max, and Boo, While mommy is gone to camp, I expect you all to behave. Max…no eating the mail. Harper…mind your caretaker, Michael and don’t think you are too good to sleep in your crate. Boo, I know you are a cat, and convincing you of that will never happen in this lifetime.…
Letters from Camp: The Wall
Picture this: a wooden wall, perhaps 15 feet high. It is smooth; no notches or handholds. Gathered at the base of the wall are folks, waiting. The object is to scale the wall, supported by pairs of hands lifted high. Peeking over the top are two counselors and the last two…
A ‘Class’ Act
Had lunch with fourteen friends today. No big deal, really until I share this number: 444. Four hundred, forty four. This was the total accumulation of years we spent educating children. Now folks, that is a lot of lesson planning, report carding, and parent conferencing! So many young faces looking to us for…