Ongoing Stories of My Soul

Look over my shoulder as I ponder life.

Author: Deborah R. Coffing-Hall

  • “Look at Me When I am Yelling in Your Direction…:

    So today my kid was yelling at her kid. And this kid is glad she is neither kid. Follow that? Let me take you back to those lovely moments when we see our offspring going off on their offspring. Here is my ‘fly on the wall’ observation of the exchange. Perhaps you will find yourself…

  • Max and the Missing Crate by: Harper ‘Black Lab’ Lee

         Had to leave home for a week. This necessitated farming out my two dogs to two of my kids. My children didn’t exactly jump up and down at dog sitting,  but they had farmed out their six kids on me countless times, so I called it even.     I had disassembled the crate of Max, the Not-Quite-Right Rescue pup.…

  • Let’s Face It….

    YIKES! I did it again! Somehow, on this fancy schmantzy laptop my son purchased for me I hit the icon for ‘Face Time’. Now…I do not care to see my face anytime. Age has not been kind, nor have the scales. And I absolutely hate wearing glasses. So…all of a sudden I am typing away…

  • “And the Password is….”

    Ever watch the T.V. game show called ‘Password’? It was hosted by Allen Ludden, who was married to Betty White. She was on there quite a bit and was just as cute and funny as she is today. Okay….she is funnier today. And oh, so much richer! Maybe richer makes one funnier. I would not…

  • Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave

    Is your flag out for the Fourth of July? Okay….I’ll wait while you go anchor it to the porch. Mine is bungee-corded to the wrought iron support. I admit it looks a bit tacky, but it isn’t going anywhere. So….how are you celebrating our country’s freedom? This year, I have to admit that I have…

  • Decorating With Clutter

    Is anyone else out there drowning in clutter? Off-loading one stack of memorabilia for another, and tripping over boxes of photos that depict smiling folks who are laughing at me for keeping those silly shots for all of these years. Sigh. Why do I keep this stuff? I have no hope of being on the…

  • “Better to See You with My Dear”

    I got new glasses today. And that was an event in itself. I was trying to dash into my eye doctor’s office before the car’s AC left my skins cells. It has been 105 degrees in Indy, and for the last two days my home AC was not working. Something about an overheated capacitor. Well,…

  • Stirrup Pants Stir Up Memories

    Stirrup pants. Now there’s a topic you probably didn’t discuss at lunch. Now, I am not an equestrian but I used to ride the  mechanical horses at the grocery store as a kid, so I am kind of an expert on saddles and stuff. Plus, I used to watch “My Friend Flicka” on Saturday mornings…

  • F U

    No, I have not been hacked. Yes, I meant to put those two letters as a title. These two small letters are innocent; it is the naughty meaning that we have assigned to them that make the jaw drop. I maintain that F and U are two forces that drive our souls. The ‘F’ stands…

  • Risky Behavior!

        Okay…I admit it. I have done some risky things in my life. I have completed aerobatics in a WWII Navy trainer airplane, I stupidly approached gang bangers when teaching in the inner city of Indianapolis, after they refused to hand over a football, and I still lend a hand to strangers, which often…