Ongoing Stories of My Soul

Look over my shoulder as I ponder life.

Author: Deborah R. Coffing-Hall

  • A Week of Epic Fails

    Well, just packed away a very busy week. How about you? But after last night’s episode, I decided I would share a few occurrences with you. Think of it as my being on stage, and you being in the audience. How I wish we could have traded places. Here we go. Epic Fail: School Any…

  • April: Time to Look at the Puzzling World of Autism

    You just might know that April is the month for many observances. Daylight savings time change, Easter, remembering the crew of the ill-fated Titanic, and of course, the day IRS officially puts their hand in our pockets. But April is also the month that we honor a very special group of individuals. Yes, April is…

  • A Culture of Hope

    On the weekend of March 16th, 2013, a gathering occurred in Lake Hughes, California, that world changers dream of happening. Four bus loads of folk descended on a camp in the mountains of the Angeles Forest for an unforgettable weekend. These children and adults came from the Watts area. If you know your history, you…

  • From Grades to Guns

    **This is an official disclaimer that this author is not making light  of the recent discussions/legislations for educational staff to carry weapons to safeguard the school population. I AM however, making fun of ME should I ever have to carry a gun to school.So this is what it is coming to. Educators are now faced…

  • “Your Table Awaits You….”

    I cannot think of a more essential piece of furniture than the kitchen or dining room table. Families would cease to exist if home decor enthusiasts banished this simple furnishing. Perhaps you will agree. I must say that for most of my child-rearing years, the dining room table was our gathering place. Oh, the furnishing…

  • A Simpler Parade

    I think that I kind of sleep-walk through life. I know there are world events happening as I eat my bowl of Cocoa Krispies, but I just don’t feel that pull to get all….involved. Maybe it’s my age. Or my laziness. Or the fact that I used to be on the cutting edge of pop…


    The faculty lounge came alive! The lunch discussion was concerts and such. We laughed at the ‘youngsters’ among the staff who had attended Jonas Brothers concerts in high school, the Jimmy Buffet attendees, who had blown out their flip-flops many years over, and those who had journeyed to Journey, time and time again. Myself included.…

  • Sick Day

    Have you missed me? I caught the “ItsGoin’Around.” You know, the crud that puts the ‘A’ in achy, the ‘H’ in headache and the gratitude for indoor plumbing. I didn’t have the, “Take me now, Sweet Jesus “ItsGoin’Around.” I was crummy but I have been a lot worse. This was a teaser. I felt like…

  • ‘Current Events’….Remember That Assignment?

    Back in the day, when I was a bored eighth grader, enduring History class, someone decided that students should be saved from the past. To prevent us from languishing away with boredom while we read about the Trans-Continental Railroad, Pony Express, Lewis and Clark Expedition, our knowledge was infused with a new topic: current events. At…

  • Paper, Plastic, and Pet Peeves

    Just when I thought my day was going to be great, I had an encounter with plastic. Now….this is not an act of crime, an incident involving national security or world hunger, but still. It sure stole my Karma for the day. I battled shrink wrap. I hate that stuff. You know…. sealed plastic which…